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PDF Merger

Join multiple documents (Word, Excel, Images, PDF) into a single PDF file

Take various files in varying formats from multiple file attachment fields, from one or more Quickbase table(s) and merge them together into (1) PDF document and store in Quickbase.​

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Manage. Monitor.Support. (14).png
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Key Features of PDF Merger

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Take documents from any table/number of tables.


Create a document package using a template including a cover page and divider pages

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Merge files from multiple records using a filtered Quickbase report.

Additional Features of PDF Merger

  • Include Word, Excel and images in the merged file

  • PDF's can also come from different records in separate Quickbase tables

  • Allows files to come from and publish to Amazon S3

  • Combine this add-on with Exact Forms Plus Batch Processor and generate multiple documents, merging them in the order needed for printing or sending.

  • PDF Merger Batch Processor allows you to "trigger" this process when a field on the record changes. For example, after you've generated multiple documents using Exact Forms Plus, trigger the PDF merger to combine all your documents into one file

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